Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh the lovely

My pretty princess braid.  I'm quite proud of it.  #smallthings

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Bells

I'm sitting in my room in sweatpants with Polar Express on in the background and Christmas music playing (in the foreground?).  My bed has a heating blanket and a cat on it.  My floor is littered with Christmas gifts, homemade and store bought, as well as wrapping paper, ribbons, glitter and glue.

Looks like it's Christmas time or something.  

Santa's the best.  I tell you what, working in a classroom full of kindergarteners, you have the trump card no matter what.  

Me: "Keep your hands to yourself."
Kindergartner: "She pushed me first!"
Me: "Oh man, I hope Santa's not watching this."
Kindergartners involved and in the general region: {Immediate behavior modification}

I'm at a loss for what to do tonight.  I've got that I-want-to-do-something-but-don't-know-what-and-any-suggestion-is-not-it feeling.  You know it.  I'm consciously ignoring my to-do list and my mom and sister are out and I'm set to entertain myself for the next few hours.  I could Christmas shop because my Christmas gift compilation thus far is meek.  I just don't know what to get and I hate going out aimlessly.  I'll buy things that they may like, but with no real heart put towards it.  Besides, I cashed in $100 worth of coins (no lie) recently and so I have that much more to put towards my Christmas budget.  

I can think of about 20 things I'd really like, but can't zero in on some good gifts for my family.  Isn't that sick?  The thingness of it all.  

Before this turns into a pretentious-tasting, meaning of Christmas blog post, I'll stop.  Because I would ramble and ill focused and confused.  

I used to be way better at this. 

Besides, I'm too cold to go back out.

Zach and I are still gingerly discussing how to divide time off.  No conclusions have been come to.  

I want nothing more to please my family Christmas morning.  But with sincerity, not fluff.  I want a kiss on the forehead and excitement on their faces and approval.  And I'm not focusing well tonight (perhaps it's the background/foreground distraction) so I don't want to waste time and money.  And Christmas is in 13 days.

I also want nothing more than to not hang up my laundry.  Trying to convince myself to hang up my laundry is equally as challenging as trying to start flossing.  Why?  The laundry is clean.  Does it matter if it's in the hamper or in the closet?  I have a steamer for a reason.  
Wow, I just successfully talked myself out of that.  

I could read.  I should have gone to the mall tonight.  I can think of mostly-thoughtful gifts I could have picked up there.  

Did you know the guy who sings You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch is named Thurl Ravenscroft.  Thurl. That's a name you don't see everyday.  Or, ever.  Earl+Th.  

I s'pose I could go to the store and get groceries.  But that's dumb because my parents buy my groceries.  But, I need tea.   

Other Kate updates include: I'm not eating meat and I'm training for a half marathon.  

Well, I leave you with that.  I'm going to go seek out a claymation Christmas movie.  #productivity


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I haven't decided if I believe in aliens or not yet.  
I'm not going to go anywhere with that.  

What?  I'm engaged?  Yes!  Is it still awesome?  Yes!

One of our many engagement photos.  This one was taken by our wonderful wedding photographer.  Check out his website: http://matthewgonzalesphoto.com/

Unfortunately, there's not much to update.  My life is not interesting.  During the week, I go to work.  Then I come home to my wonderful parents.  I usually spend my entire evening reading or watching cools TV shows like Glee or How I Met Your Mother.  

But I think Big Bang Theory is lame.  

I'm reading a Perry Mason novel, a philosophy book on Beauty and The Death Cure.  None of them quickly.  (I blame my phone).  

It's weird living at home (still) because it's like I can't separate myself from high school.   Also, the fact that I haven't changed AT ALL since high school.  Other than I'm way less zen then I used to be.  But, really, I have been like exactly the same since roughly 2005. I still think of all the same people as my friends.  I also don't really feel like that much time has passed.  I still wear a ton of clothes I wore in high school.  Which is both good (I still fit! Yay!) and bad (I need a more mature wardrobe).  It's like a weird brain block.  It's this crazy paradox of feeling simultaneously mature/ adult-like and immature.    
Bottom line:  Living at home makes me feel like a high schooler.   

Gosh.  I'm so sorry there's so little to blog publicly about.  

Let's see....I drink tea.  Sometimes.  I still love my iPhone.  I miss Zach more than is healthy.  I got my heating blanket out.  I take a multi vitamin.  I still can't find my favorite hoodie.  

If you read this, I'm sorry, you can't have those few minutes back.  
Nothing enlightening.  



Monday, October 17, 2011


Seal photo bomb.

I'm watching Halloween Town.  The acting in this movie gets better every single year.  I totally wanted witch powers when I was a teenager.  Do you think in the future they're going to put a label on my generation's fascination with witches, vampires and werewolves?  "Back in the magic-movement, people thought differently about the world....."  No?  Just a thought.  

So, my job.  It's been about a month or so.  I'm required by a distinct paranoia inspired by the inservice I went to, discussing the dangers of social media, etc, to leave out any and all details.  Here is what I can say:  I am a para/ autism room assistant.  I'm learning a lot.  It's actually really easy to use some of the skills I learned with my Linguistics degree.  My Classics and English experience, good for nothing, but that's besides the point.  And the kids.  They are so sweet, and wonderful and lovable (usually).  This is totally the perfect first job and makes me see the world differently.  I'm positive I'll use these skills in the future.  

In talking with my also recently graduated friends, as well as some friends further into their careers, it seems like it's pretty normal for the first job you get after college, to maybe not be the perfect fit.  As is the case for me.  

I am sick today.  I've been sick since Thursday.  And was sick a few weekends before that.  So, at this point, I'm sick of being sick.  But, I must admit, it was pretty nice to lay in bed and watch Pirates of the Caribbean all day.  Would have been better if I could breathe like a normal human.  

So, I got an iPhone.  {Insert happy dance}  I love it!  Apple products are so user-friendly.  It's not complicated.  Everything about it makes sense.  It's a phone, an iPod, a camera, a game device, a computer, a calendar.... a million and a half things.  I love it.  Now, if I could just figure out how to get iCloud on that and my computer, I'd be set.  I have a mac computer, btw.  Also in love.  Same story.  

Wedding planning is going great.  We're starting to talk to caterers.  There's this one, it's more expensive, but it has a mac and cheese bar.  Obviously, I want it.  But it's not as reasonably priced.  And it's getting nearly time to go wedding dress shopping.  Ah!  Talk about entering crazy land.  But none of it is nearly as exciting as living with Zach will be.  We still have 8 months or so before the wedding.  But I'm pretty sure living with him is going to be fun.  He's a pretty snazzy cook.  

But there's still like 18 million things we haven't figured out.  I mean, my checklist on The Knot has about 30 things with exclamation points next to them.  Frankly, we are still adjusting (adding in some cases) our wedding party.  We're trying to paint this picture of our wedding that expresses us as people and as a couple and our union together.  We(/I) want elegance, romance, timelessness, but nothing stuffy, we want it to be fun and social and enjoyable.  And affordable.

I need to go take my puffer.  And sleep.  I need to feel better by tomorrow, because I know how much it sucks to be short a man and try to get through the day.  


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Resource Room

Sometime, I swear I will update you on my brand new job.

It's brilliant and so holy.  I am making childrens' lives better.  I am making my own life better.

It is extremely hard and a little bit scary, but those are both good things.

There hasn't been a day yet that I haven't had to stop my self from sobbing in my car on the way home.  But, after all, it has only been my first week.

I will adjust.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

102- September 11

I think I should blog today.
About September 11th.

It's been 10 years.  I was 12.  In Kansas.  
And it still hurts more than anything to relive.  

Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 I was in 7th grade.  In Orchestra.  And my teacher, before we started class said something along the lines that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, we didn't know if it was an attack or a mistake, but he just wanted to let us know.

I don't remember anything about the rest of the school day except that none of my teachers let us watch it on TV.  What a crock is that?

My next flashbulb is being at home at like 3pm sitting on my couch watching the replaying of all the footage on the news.  And sobbing.  Because, although I was young, I understood what was lost.  

Moms.  Dads.  Grandmas.  Aunties.  Neighbors.  Friends.  Sisters.  

People.  People who wouldn't return to their families.  Their puppies.  They probably had mail waiting to be sent.  They had journals that documented unfinished hopes and dreams.  

And I sat on the couch sobbing.  I don't remember where my sisters were.  But I do remember Tracy and I running to my mom's arms when she came home from work.  We were halfway on the stairs.  She met us halfway up the stairs.  

I remember she was supposed to fly the next weekend and one of the first things she told us was that she wouldn't be leaving.  

I remember in the days after my dad sitting on my bed shaking his head and saying we were probably going to go to war and it's likely that it would go on long enough that some of my friends would have to go.  And I remember thinking, "no way, I'm too young."  

Every anniversary after, I've turned off the TV.  I change the radio station when they talk about it.  For 10 years, I've avoided it.  The pain.  The emptiness.  

This year I watched it.  I thought I owed it to them.  To not pretend; not avoid.  

History Channel had this showed called "102 Minutes That Changed America."  Watch it.  It's hard.  You'll probably cry.  

But it's a really enlightening look at how it felt to be there that day.  
You see the faces of the firefighters who walked towards the towers.  The ones who you know didn't come back.
You hear the voices of the people trapped on the upper floors calling for 911.  You hear 911 telling them to stay put.  
You close your eyes as a tear falls when you see the people jump.  
You catch you breath when you see the clouds of smoke from the first tower falling.  

So here I am thinking about that loss.  That awful, mean, horrible, excruciating, terrifying loss.  

And also trying to figure out what it means to be American.  
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.  United We Stand.  Proud to be an American.  Pledge of Allegiance.  

Those all have to mean something.  
But there's been so much anger.  Blame.  People celebrated when Osama Bin Laden was killed.  
I don't understand.  Not like, "how could they do that; it's still a death."  That's not what I mean.  

I literally don't understand.  I don't even know what I don't understand.  How I feel.  What is right.  My patriotism.  
I want to win.  But I want to be fair.  I value life.  

It's been 10 years.  And I know I can't do this next year.  I didn't post a picture, because I knew whatever it was, it would hurt to look at it again.  

In another 10 years, I will open this box again.  


Saturday, September 3, 2011


I need to say some things.
Moving home is hard.  

I thought moving back to my parents house would be nothing but awesome.  I'd have time.  I'd have fun.  I'd be provided for in every way, shape and form.  And, in so many ways, it really is.  I am very grateful to be living in my parents house.  My sister is awesome.  With a seven year age gap, she was only 10 when I moved out.  I don't know if I've ever had such an opportunity to bond with her.  And my parents are wonderful.  Funny, easy going, self less people.

But post-graduation is hard.  I'm sure it's a common feeling.  I know many of my friends have felt/ are feeling it.  It's the weirdest I think I've ever felt for such an ongoing period of time.  It's not always bad.  In fact, sometimes it's really good.  But it's always weird.  

First of all, career?  What?  No.  

I live in my parents' basement.  I thought I'd have all this time this past summer to organize it and make it my own, but 3 months later, I have not.  I was ambitious at first; I rearranged all the furniture, unpacked all my books and set them up in the bookcase.  But it's reached a point where I cannot move forward.  Though boxes sit unpacked and it never looks anything but cluttered, I cannot do anymore.

Because the basement was once my grandmother's apartment.

I don't miss my grandma (I think I'm incapable of understanding the whole "grandparent" thing).

But I've reached a point where I can't move myself in anymore, because she is not moved out.  In the corner sit a stack of home movies on VHS.  In front of the fire place are boxes of pictures.  In the cabinets are mugs and appliances that could still potentially be useful.  The closet is half full of clothes that are not mine.  The cedar chest at the end of the bed is full of grandma bedding.  The window sill is lined with her snow globes and figurines.  Art work she loved is still all over the walls.  The counter still has weird plates I don't know what to do with.  On top of the cedar chest is a baby doll that was once my mother's.  

Plus the walls are light pink.  

I feel like the space can never be mine.  I don't know if it ever could be.  It'll always be the cache for things nobody really knows what else to do with.  I wonder everyday if this is what it'll feel like until I move out again.  

And on top of that, inside many of my unpacked boxes are things that I don't know how they could be useful in my house now.  Decorative baskets that once held fruit.  Vases.  Art I had hanging in my bathroom.  Shower curtains.  Baking sheets.  Stuff that isn't useful at my parents house.  My parents don't need another shower curtain.  Or baking sheets.  A knife set.  
Where is that stuff supposed to go?  

I think I've literally filled up all extra storage space.  In my defense, it was borderline full before I moved home.  The garage has reached it's max, the shed is full.  The attic.  Eh.  I've even designated cabinets for stuff I just want out of the way.  They're all full.  

My house was not ready for me to move home.  

So "my room" stays not mine.  It is not clean.  I cannot clean it.  The things are not mine to throw away.  There is no place for them to go.  

All this really boils down to is moving back means lack of control. 
I don't control my space.  

I don't control my diet.  I never plan on feeding myself, since normally I'm not expected to.  So when my mom calls on her way from work saying she's popping in and then driving on to Lawrence to hang out with my other sister, I'm so frustrated.  If this was my kitchen, I'd have supplies to cook food I like.  It is not my kitchen.  I don't want to make a meal out of egg rolls and green beans.  I eat out far more than I did on my own.  Not complaining, necessarily, since I never really could afford it much before.  

Until recently, I haven't had a job, so I haven't been able to control my independence.  If I needed new shampoo, I was at the mercy of my parents to take a trip to Walmart.  

This is normal, I know it is.  But it doesn't make it any easier.

I'm not used to living like this.  And it's just as much fun as it is not fun.  

And I want to live here.  I love my family.  My puppies.  I'm getting married in 8 or 9 months and want this opportunity to spend as much time with them as possible.  

But I recognize it's at the sacrifice of a feeling of adulthood and independence.  

And I think living here might be making my transition into marriage somewhat harder.
But I am not in a financial position to support myself.  At 22, that's ok.  But I think it'd be so stupid for me to move into my own apartment.  Although really FREAKING fun, it's not worth the $500 a month or so that I'm not required to spend now.  

So here I am.  Sitting in mom's living room, blogging for the second day in a row (you lucky ducks, aren't I so interesting?).  

And while I'm pouring out my heart and soul, can I just say "blogging" is a grow up word for "diary-writing-for-the-general-public."  

I'm going to be fine.  Having a full time job while help with my sense of independence and maybe inspire my mom to help me organize the basement.  Maybe not, but either way it'll work out.

Also while soul-pouring, I keep getting overwhelmed about my wedding.  The thought of being the center of attention for hours is starting to freak me out.  Which is why my beautiful/ handsome bridesmaids are wonderful.  Apart from hour long phone conversations keeping me from falling to pieces, I know they're going to be my support team the day of.  And that makes me feel better.

Do I feel better after letting this all out?  
We'll see.  
But this was not on my to do list.
And I'm hungry.  And responsible for feeding myself.

You know what I really need?  I need to get back into mentally stimulating reading.  I went through a bout of fiction this summer.  It was good.  (I recommend Divergent!)  But I need to read some non-fiction about the human condition.  

Sigh.  Gravity.

I feel the need to say, "you're welcome."  


Friday, September 2, 2011


It's like an itch I just can't reach.
I'm nearly squirming.  

I don't know what I want. 
Which, in theory, makes it feel impossible to be happy.

I've been rereading all of my diaries.  I started journaling in like 1999.  
If this idea ever enters your mind, don't do it.
You just relive everything.  Everything that was wonderful - you miss it.  Everything that made you feel terrible - still makes you feel terrible.

Plus, my entries were so stupidly stupid, I couldn't even stomach reading myself until I got to like 2004.  

Tuesday I had two interviews and.............
 a facial peel!

See that line down my face?  That's a freaking tear streak.  
This is called an Obagi Blue Peel.  I had it done in order to improve acne scars left over from freshman year.  I've been debating it for like, 2 years now.  And I did it.  They put blue chemical on your face.  The dermatologist said, "it'll sting."  What he should have said was, "it'll feel like you're dying, but it'll be really really brief."
Anyway, that's what it felt like.  
The last few days, the blue has faded, my skin has felt SO tight and then peeled off (gross, I know).  It's real red right now, but I think it'll look great.
Oh, and I got hired.

But I don't feel happy.  
But, I don't really know why.  I sound like I'm 15.  
I roll my eyes at myself.

Is it living at home, missing seeing friends, maintaining relationships, trying to plan my wedding, not seeing Zach but for once or twice a week, money, feel out of control most of the time?

But, hey, technically I'm employed full time now, so I'm going to pretend like this 3 day weekend is somehow different than the last month or so and soak up my free time or something.  

Ok, whatever. 
Blog post done.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was almost doing really well.  My circadian rhythm is nonexistent these days.  
Tonight I tried.  I'm having breakfast with a great friend bright and early in the morning before she flies back to chi-town.   
At about 11 I took a nice bath. 
By midnight, I was tucked into bed.  No computer on, no movie playing.  I read a book for a while and then turned off the light and got on my Nook.  Then after an hour and a half or so of reading Water for Elephants, I clicked off my Nook and snuggled into bed.  
Ahhh, sleep.
Elusive sleep.
I'm actually mostly healthy, other than this.  I take various vitamins since I paused my meat eating, I drink a ton of water, I walk/ jog for 30 minutes pretty much daily.  But regular sleep is so imperative, that without it, I'm really not healthy at all.  
So, naturally, I googled "i can't sleep what should i do."  A few sites have said if you can't sleep after 30 minutes or so, get out of bed.  Something about associating the bed with not sleeping la la la.  
So here I am.  Blogging.  And watching Friends, Season 8. Actually, Season 8, the Thanksgiving episode- one of the better ones.  I freaking love this show.  
TV and computer, two things the sites also say to avoid.  
But they do suggest getting your thoughts out of your head.  

The other day I was watching this show on TLC about obsessions, or collectors or something like that.  It's not Hoarders; that show freaks me the heck out.  No, like, seriously.  I turn it off.  And throw away everything within my line of sight.  
But it's the same concept.  People's lives becoming consumed by things.  
There was this woman who had like thousands and thousands of shoes.  Like miniature shoes, shoes for your feet, earring shoes, breakfast in the shape of a shoe....stuff that I think is tres loco.  
But we can't be that far off.  I mean, everybody has their something, right?
A few years ago, right after my grandma died, I wondered if when she was in her hospital bed, she thought of her things.  It was one of those freeze-where-you're-standing realizations.  What if I'm on my death bed thinking of my things?  
The woman who loved shoes, she said when she died, she was going to be surrounded by shoes.  What did she mean?  What could she possibly have meant?  Does she think when she dies, she'll go to a heaven of shoes?  Or does she imagine that she'll be buried, it'll be a coffin with shoes?  And the bigger question: Why?  
Another woman was obsessed with dolls.  She said it was because she had such strong maternal instincts.  My initial response is, then be around children.  Like ......real children.  This woman takes care of these dolls, rocks them to sleep, gives them binkies, strokes their hair.  I imagine her channeling that maternal instinct, like, volunteering with babies.  Reading stories to them.  Or at least be a Duggar.  
Why does this show irk me so much?  (Yes, I just said irk.)  
For like 18 million reasons.  But here are 5
  1. With the money they've spent on these collections- they could have paid for years of my college education.  Or at least my wedding.  
  2. These people have isolated themselves. 
  3. They could channel their passion into something really societally productive.
  4. The doll collection CREEPS me the eff out.  
  5. They're missing something.  By being uncontrollably obsessed, they are missing face time with people. 
On another note, I need to stop chewing on my lip.  It's gettin Black Swan up in here.

On another nother note, I don't think I've lost any weight.  However, I have bought a few shirts a size larger than I normally wear so my body thinks it's lost weight and it is so happy about it.
I'm trying to sort out weddingness.  There should be a handbook.  Not like a white, swirly writing, plan-your-wedding-in-this-book, here's a smiley face book.  Like a real, vulgar, honest, hang on girl-this shit's gonna freak you out-but in the end, it's all about love-but seriously, stop reading love stories/ watching those darn movies book.  
Have I found a job?  No.  Has it even been a month?  Yes, I month to the day.  Do I like it?  Mostly no.  Is the house clean?  Yes.  
What?  Kate can't find a job?  

Go ahead, laugh. 
Next, let's see how I did with my summer reading list. 
Harry Potter Series 
-Currently reading book 4.  Didn't exactly make it through the series in the summer.  
Ender's Game
City of Bones 
Perfect Chemistry
The House of the Scorpion
The Book Thief
Not too shabby.  
Plus Water For Elephants.  

Ok, I'm going to finish this episode of Friends and then go to sleep.   
I know I'm up too late when I'm hungry again.  
I feel like Bridget Jones.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Going Primal

I have a lot to say but to say it would make me vulnerable.

So I use pictures for now.
My art book.  Only $9.95
The couch in my basement room has 6 throw pillows. 6.

A Ba'hai prayer book.

The Holy Bible.  All books tabbed beautifully by my mother.

Sometimes it has answers.

Friends Season 4.

A visual taste of where my thoughts have been the last few days, all framed by my ever so masculine comforter.  
Checking out.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am a bird

I am vulnerable.  Sometimes I just feel too much.  Sometimes it's like I'm swollen with feeling.  I can feel my emotions pumping through my veins.  They swirl.  With every step, I'm teaming with thoughts.  

In the last 3 months, I promised a man I would marry him, graduated college, moved out of my Mass House and back into my parents' home, and now, quit my job.  

So, now that I have stretches of time to just think, I decided I'm going to channel my 18 year old self.  

Because, let's face it, 18 year old Kate was fabulous.  18 year old Kate felt free, never doubted religion, had plans.  She ran (ok, jogged) daily, was experimental and fell in love with her major.  She was freshly tattooed and totally a hippie.  18 year old Kate was a barista at a crappy coffee shop.  Of course, I was hilarious.  And all I wanted out of life was to be good, to love everyone, to know myself.  

I was so much cooler than I am now.  

So 22 year old Kate has high standards to meet.  If I don't regrasp myself, I'll all but dissolve.  

So here's the plan: no plan.  Let it fall into place.  I'm keeping my nose ring (the ring, not the stud) in, because I'm not working for Bed Bath and Beyond anymore.  I'm going to sleep in my pearls.  I'm going to watch Friends and Glee and let myself fall to pieces so I can move on.

I'm going to be face the world with Zach right by my side and it's going to be okay.  

On a less melancholy note, I'm going to have a good week.  


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Time to Think

Yesterday I had my 1 year review at Bed Bath and Beyond.  Everything was great, I'm above average, I'm well versed in the entire store, front end, soft lines, hard lines and I'm a great Bridal Consultant and those are things you find at every store.  So can I have a raise?  Absolutely.  17 cents.  Wtf.  

So, it's been about 6 weeks since I graduated from KU.  And on this beautiful day, where it's about 75 degrees outside, my dogs are playing, I got to sleep in til at least 11:30.  But at 2:45, I have to leave Topeka for a closing shift starting at 3:30.  That commute is so much wasted time.    

I still work at Bed Bath and Beyond.  In Lawrence.  Why?  That's a great question.  I stay because I need to make money.  Even though I'm living at home, I still would drive to Lawrence to see Zach.  And I want to put money aside for our wedding.  I don't transfer to Topeka, because I don't want to be there that much longer.  But I honestly haven't poured my heart into finding a job.  Like career job.  

I'd like to find something that I couldn't have gotten without my degrees.  But I don't have a plan.  Before I graduated, I didn't really, seriously think about how to make a career out of a Linguistics major and a Classical Antiquities major and an English minor.  I have no idea what I want to do.  I could tell you all the things I don't want to do.  

But there isn't a career path for people with majors like mine.  

And I feel like I work 7+ hours every other day.  I have no regular days off.  So I don't have chances to fix up my resume, drive around picking up applications, browse online for jobs.  Not enough time.  I've considered just leaving my job.  It'd give me the time I need to clear my head.  That's what I said before I graduated.  I was going to move home and then there'd be time to clear my head, down time, time to think.  But there'd be no income.  And I'm the one who pays my loans.  

There it is.  I mean, that is the trapping reality of life.  I have to make money.  Because I'm in debt.  I have to do it.  There is no more down time.  

I'm going to request to cut my hours back.  That's what I'll do.  It's a decent compromise.  I want to talk it out with Zach first, but I'd still make enough money to pay loans and save some for the wedding.  But I'll have more time.  That's what I need.  Time.  

Ok, ok.  Done.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I sure love the Ben Folds song Army.  Just.  Yeah.  Been thinkin a lot today.  

Being engaged is so fun.  Friends are coming out of the woodwork with tips, ideas, support, friendship.  It's the best.  And my engagement ring is oh so sparkly.  

My life has been significantly better since I've adjusted to my newish life.  

The basement is shaping up pretty nicely.  There are still a lot of things that I want to happen, but it's a step by step project.  

Although I haven't yet found that elusive full time career, I'm a decent enough employee at work that when I asked for a few more hours a week, I've been consistently scheduled 25+ hours a week.  It's a blessing and a curse.  I get paid to work.  Blessing.  I have to work.  Curse.

I walked around the lake with Katie and McKenna tonight, both whom I love so much.  The level of giggles and awesomeness exceed normality.  It's bliss.  And we're having a girly night in Lawrence next week.  It feels good.  

Also, I'm typing on my new Macbook Pro, which my parents got for me for graduation.  They insist I earned it and I'm grateful for their generosity.  

Becky is the best Maid of Honor ever.  She is always listening to me so patiently.  Even when I kind know my opinion is wrong, she hears me out.  Not even only about wedding stuff. 

But I'll have to work again tomorrow morning.  You know, 6 hours is just an hour too long and an hour too short simultaneously.  5 hours, you can distract yourself enough that it'll go by fast enough.  7 hours you get a lunch break to break up the day.  6 hours, you're watching the clock, starving and tired of being there.  

Sleepy time.  

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Reading

Warning: Not interesting blog post

This is my summer reading list:

  • Harry Potter Series (Ideally by July 15, but I just started HP1 today)
  • Ender's Game
  • City of Bones (Emily said to)
  • Perfect Chemistry (I love sweet and conflicted love stories)
  • The House of the Scorpion
  • Divergent
  • The Book Thief
Yes.  That will be summer.  I mean, of course I should be planning my wedding as well as trying to find a full time job to jump start my career.  But, you know, other than that.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On Love and Sadness

It's 8am on a Wednesday.  I'm watching Tom and Jerry.  Unfortunately, it's almost over and there is nothing else on.  I don't normally (ever) get up this early, but Zach has gone to work and I can't sleep.  

Maybe it's because everything sucks.  And I hate myself for thinking everything sucks, because it really doesn't.  

I feel absolutely saturated in disappointment because my graduation was supposed to be the highlight of my year, a celebration with pictures of myself and my happy family on the stadium field,  but it was the worst.  I spent the entire day either exhausted or in tears.  And I've cried like a baby about it every day since.  
I needed that moment.  

And I hate myself for my lack of ability to just get over it.  It really was no one's fault.  Normally, I'm really good about recognizing what I can't change and moving on.  

And to add insult to injury, I have to be out of my house by tomorrow evening.  I can't say that it won't be a little bit of a relief for something new, but this was my home away from home for two years.  Although we had our drama, this house will be remembered as the peak of my college.  We had a lot of laughs.  Group naps.  Decathalons.  Say Yes to the Dress marathons.

And it's over.  And I'm moving home.  Home, while my friends are leaving the state or spending summers helping others.  Home where my mom is and where I'm safe and where I don't have to spend money.  

Plus, my engagement, for all of the excitement it means, and trust me, I'm excited, means A LOT of changes.  Giving up Hogan holiday traditions.  Giving up my last name.  

And I wish I had a full time job to be proud of or to look forward to, even to dread.  Something other than the abyss of planlessness while I live at home and commute to my crappy part time job in Lawrence.  

I don't want to hear about how grateful I should be, because I know.  I know and I really am and in time, I'll blog about how awesome everything is.  
Just let me get this out.  
