Monday, October 17, 2011


Seal photo bomb.

I'm watching Halloween Town.  The acting in this movie gets better every single year.  I totally wanted witch powers when I was a teenager.  Do you think in the future they're going to put a label on my generation's fascination with witches, vampires and werewolves?  "Back in the magic-movement, people thought differently about the world....."  No?  Just a thought.  

So, my job.  It's been about a month or so.  I'm required by a distinct paranoia inspired by the inservice I went to, discussing the dangers of social media, etc, to leave out any and all details.  Here is what I can say:  I am a para/ autism room assistant.  I'm learning a lot.  It's actually really easy to use some of the skills I learned with my Linguistics degree.  My Classics and English experience, good for nothing, but that's besides the point.  And the kids.  They are so sweet, and wonderful and lovable (usually).  This is totally the perfect first job and makes me see the world differently.  I'm positive I'll use these skills in the future.  

In talking with my also recently graduated friends, as well as some friends further into their careers, it seems like it's pretty normal for the first job you get after college, to maybe not be the perfect fit.  As is the case for me.  

I am sick today.  I've been sick since Thursday.  And was sick a few weekends before that.  So, at this point, I'm sick of being sick.  But, I must admit, it was pretty nice to lay in bed and watch Pirates of the Caribbean all day.  Would have been better if I could breathe like a normal human.  

So, I got an iPhone.  {Insert happy dance}  I love it!  Apple products are so user-friendly.  It's not complicated.  Everything about it makes sense.  It's a phone, an iPod, a camera, a game device, a computer, a calendar.... a million and a half things.  I love it.  Now, if I could just figure out how to get iCloud on that and my computer, I'd be set.  I have a mac computer, btw.  Also in love.  Same story.  

Wedding planning is going great.  We're starting to talk to caterers.  There's this one, it's more expensive, but it has a mac and cheese bar.  Obviously, I want it.  But it's not as reasonably priced.  And it's getting nearly time to go wedding dress shopping.  Ah!  Talk about entering crazy land.  But none of it is nearly as exciting as living with Zach will be.  We still have 8 months or so before the wedding.  But I'm pretty sure living with him is going to be fun.  He's a pretty snazzy cook.  

But there's still like 18 million things we haven't figured out.  I mean, my checklist on The Knot has about 30 things with exclamation points next to them.  Frankly, we are still adjusting (adding in some cases) our wedding party.  We're trying to paint this picture of our wedding that expresses us as people and as a couple and our union together.  We(/I) want elegance, romance, timelessness, but nothing stuffy, we want it to be fun and social and enjoyable.  And affordable.

I need to go take my puffer.  And sleep.  I need to feel better by tomorrow, because I know how much it sucks to be short a man and try to get through the day.  
