I'm not going to go anywhere with that.
What? I'm engaged? Yes! Is it still awesome? Yes!
One of our many engagement photos. This one was taken by our wonderful wedding photographer. Check out his website: http://matthewgonzalesphot o.com/
Unfortunately, there's not much to update. My life is not interesting. During the week, I go to work. Then I come home to my wonderful parents. I usually spend my entire evening reading or watching cools TV shows like Glee or How I Met Your Mother.
But I think Big Bang Theory is lame.
I'm reading a Perry Mason novel, a philosophy book on Beauty and The Death Cure. None of them quickly. (I blame my phone).
It's weird living at home (still) because it's like I can't separate myself from high school. Also, the fact that I haven't changed AT ALL since high school. Other than I'm way less zen then I used to be. But, really, I have been like exactly the same since roughly 2005. I still think of all the same people as my friends. I also don't really feel like that much time has passed. I still wear a ton of clothes I wore in high school. Which is both good (I still fit! Yay!) and bad (I need a more mature wardrobe). It's like a weird brain block. It's this crazy paradox of feeling simultaneously mature/ adult-like and immature.
Bottom line: Living at home makes me feel like a high schooler.
Gosh. I'm so sorry there's so little to blog publicly about.
Let's see....I drink tea. Sometimes. I still love my iPhone. I miss Zach more than is healthy. I got my heating blanket out. I take a multi vitamin. I still can't find my favorite hoodie.
If you read this, I'm sorry, you can't have those few minutes back.
Nothing enlightening.
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